紐西蘭出身的蘿拉(Laura Deming)今年27歲,她11歲時就展現出對數學、物理與生物的熱愛,14歲成為麻省理工學院的學生,兩年後退學參加Thiel Fellowship計畫,獲得10萬美金的啟動資金。
2011年蘿拉創辦了Longevity Fund,替致力於研究長壽與老化議題的公司挹注資金,迄今已募得2,600萬美金。
1. 減少卡路里攝取量,可延長老鼠的壽命。
2. 胰島素基因的變異,會延長老鼠的壽命。
3. 輸入年輕血液,能活化老者的生理機能。
4. 清除體內的老化細胞。
5. 改善溶體的吞噬效率。
6. 下視丘對生長激素的調控,對延長壽命至關重要。
7. 移除性腺。蘿拉發現,蠕蟲被移除精子與卵子後,壽命明顯增長了六成。另外根據南韓官方資料,太監的壽命比一般人多出14到19年。
#意思是東方不敗本可以比令狐沖多活10年 #尛編
Source: TechCrunch
longevity意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
👋The Surprising Science Behind Friendship
👏At its simplest, it’s just how critical quality social bonds and friendships are. In animals, the big measures that evolutionary biologists study are reproductive success, which they count as either how many babies you have or how long those babies live, and longevity, or how long you survive. Nonhuman primates have very structured hierarchies that they exist in, and everyone assumed that that must have more importance for how long you live and how many babies you have and how healthy they are. And it wasn’t. The most important thing was the strength of the social bonds, how positively and well and regularly an individual animal interacted with other animals. Scientists really couldn’t believe it.
-longevity: 壽命
-hierarchy: 階級
-assume: 假設
💪Friendship literally improves your body’s cardiovascular functioning, how your immune system works, how you sleep. You can imagine the food you put in your body makes you healthy or not. But sitting in a coffee shop with someone and just chatting about what’s going on with your life, we always thought emotionally that made you feel good. But actually it really is doing much more.
-cardiovascular: 心血管相關的(cardio:心臟的)
-put in: 放置;放入(在文章脈絡中是攝取的意思)
🎤There’s this interesting chemistry to friendship. Just like in romance, you are more drawn to some people than you are others. Some of it is very straightforward: You are interested in the same things, you spend time in the same place. That’s one reason why we are close to relatives, because you have a head start, you spend more time with them than you do anyone else. We do tend to be better friends with people who are more like us.
-draw to: 受…吸引
-straightforward: 直截了當;直接的
-head start: 領先;佔得的先機、優勢
The reason behind people being attracted to one and not the other is _________: you are interested in the same things, you spend time in the same space. We often ______ being around with friends does us good emotionally, but it’s actually doing so much more.
A. straightforward / assume
B. direct / assumes
C. straightforward / assumed
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longevity意思 在 Perle的魔女手札 Facebook 的最讚貼文
His name is Omar, means "Health and Longevity".
He is four months old now, and he is such a naughty boy.@@
#doodles #dailyart #line #art #pet #sausagedog #omar #dachshund
longevity意思 在 格林法則英語單字記憶- longevity中的ev是什麼意思 ... - Facebook 的時間交通和停車住宿
longevity 中的ev是什麼意思? 【中高階詞素:心智圖單字記憶法第四百六十七回long長的】 longitude 經線;經度n. longevity長壽;資歷n. along 成一行地;沿著adv.; ... ... <看更多>