【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 資訊工程學系韓哈斯】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
International student Seth Austin Harding from Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
但更不幸的是,我在打籃球時弄傷了我的前十字韌帶,做了兩次手術,需要一年半才能恢復。許多的負面情緒壓得我喘不過氣。我被困在人生的低谷,不知如何是好。我覺得我的中文不夠好,我也被診斷出失眠跟ADHD,另外,美國高中的數學太簡單了,來這邊不夠用。種種壓力讓我足不出戶,找不到自己的人生方向。後來,我向臺大心輔中心以及我的心理醫師尋求協助,然後我也開始跟系上有更多互動。有一位教授叫徐宏民跟我說,"Never give up",雖然那時候我覺得這句話太過於簡化了我的問題,不過,在我仔細思考了一個禮拜之後,我下定決心,發誓不讓自己被這些事擊敗。我決定要克盡全力,認真做好每件事。這是我人生的轉捩點,我開始變得異常自律。當時廖世偉教授和洪士灝系主任帶我進入它們的研究室鑽研學術。這重燃了我對資訊工程的熱忱,提醒了我當初會愛上這個領域的原因。我開始研究人工智慧以及區塊鏈,也開始跟其他系上同學交朋友,一起成立臺大人工智慧應用社NTUAI。NTUAI現在是校內頗具規模的技術研究社團,致力於推廣人工智慧給任何對該領域有熱忱的學生。歡迎加入NTUAI,可以掃描我們的QR CODE。
最近,由於疫情的緣故,我已經一年半沒回美國了。但是沒關係,因為我已經找到了我第二個家。我很愛臺大,以及台灣的人事物。雖然我經歷了人生的低潮,但這裡的一切總是給我滿滿的祝福與協助。最後,我想送給大家「功夫熊貓」裡的一句台詞: "You just need to believe"。只要用樂觀的態度去面對困難,就有能力改變自己,甚至改變身旁所愛的人。就像阿波的父親說的,"心誠則靈,只要你相信,點石就能成金。根本沒有什麼秘笈。只有你。"謝謝大家。
President, professors, and classmates, I'm very honored to be here. Thank you to NTU for giving me this opportunity. My name's Seth Austin Harding, and I'm from the D.C. metropolitan area. I'm going to tell a real story that's personal but that's relatable and what I see as the real me.
What motivated and guided me to take my undergraduate studies in Taiwan? When I was very young, I really loved watching kung fu movies, and when I was 10 years old, I went to the theater to watch "Kung Fu Panda". This became my favorite movie as I felt like the story of the main character Po was one to which I could very much relate. After watching this movie, I decided that I wanted to start learning kung fu, so I went to the United States Wushu Academy. At the time, I began hearing Mandarin on a daily basis, so when I was in high school, I decided to begin formally studying Chinese. It ended up being my Chinese teacher from Taipei who was my favorite teacher who taught my favorite class, so I decided I'd hang out in the Chinese classroom every day and practice lots. By the time graduation came around, I had attained the highest proficiency in Chinese among any non-native speaker in my school. My second favorite class was computer science, and I ended up attaining among the best coding skills in my school. After getting accepted to the school of my dreams -- National Taiwan University -- I felt honored, humbled, and excited; I could now spend time at among the world's finest universities studying Chinese and at the same time advancing my knowledge of computer science.
But when I look back at my freshman year, to be honest with you, I didn't know what I was doing. Despite having taken very many Chinese classes, when I went to the NTU lectures, I understood only about half of what the teachers were saying. Contrary to most people's impressions of an American, I was actually too shy to raise my hand, to ask questions, or to even meet with teachers after class, so I had very few friends at the time. I started to become homesick and depressed. At that time, I found that basketball was the only way I knew of relieving my stress. However, while playing basketball, I had torn my ACL and it would take two surgeries and a year and a half in time to fully recover. At this point, I felt caught between a rock and a hard place. In fact, this was the lowest point of my life, and I didn't know what to do. I felt like my Chinese wasn't good enough, I had been diagnosed with insomnia and ADHD, and I felt like the math taught in America was too simple to allow for me to keep up with my classmates. I was under immense pressure, and at this time, I lost any sense of purpose or direction. Later on, I went to seek help from NTU counseling, from my psychiatrist, and from my department. I reached out to Professor Winston Hsu from CSIE, and he told me this: "Never give up"; it was such an oversimplified way to approach such a complex series of problems, I had thought. However, I pondered these words intensely for one week, and by the end of that week, I had made a firm decision. This would NOT be another example of me giving up. I decided to go all out, to work diligently and passionately on all tasks at hand. This was the turning point of my life; I started to discipline myself to a very high degree. At this time, I met my then-to-become advisors Professor Shih-Wei Liao and Professor Shih-Hao Hung and entered their labs to begin research. Finally, the passion that I had for computer science that I had previously held in high school was kindled again, and I was finally reminded why I loved this field. I began my research life in blockchain and AI, and at the time I entered the lab, I also began creating NTUAI. NTUAI is now a large and highly successful NTU club that is dedicated to the research and public understanding of AI. Welcome one and all to join us; please scan our QR code here.
For a year and a half I haven't returned to America because of covid. But not to worry; I have found my second home, away from home. I love it here in NTU and I cherish all of the things I've had the privilege to experience in Taiwan. I've gone through the most difficult of struggles in my life here, but I've also had the most fortunate and blessed of experiences. To conclude, I'd like to quote a line from "Kung Fu Panda": "You just need to believe". As long as you are willing to adopt an optimistic attitude in facing challenges and hardships, you may become a positive force in changing the lives of those around you as well as your own life. It all depends on how you view it; just like what Po's father says, "there is no secret ingredient. It's just you." Thank you, everyone.
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大資訊工程學系 #韓哈斯 #SethAustinHarding
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《Penny Rain》 April Showers / 靜待五月時節的四月雨 作詞:aimerrhythm 作曲:AlbatoLuce 編曲:玉井健二・百田留衣 歌:Aimer 翻譯:澄野 意譯:CH English Translation: lyricaljourneys 版權聲明: 本頻道不...
- 關於hearing中文 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於hearing中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於hearing中文 在 米式抓餅 - 很台的台美混血寶寶 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於hearing中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於hearing中文 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於hearing中文 在 Natayi Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於hearing中文 在 精靈寶可夢劍盾Pokemon Sword & Shield Part 20 - YouTube 的評價
hearing中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的最讚貼文
◎ ES.中文.EN ◎
歌曲〈Mamá Tierra〉& 某個生命片刻
Read the adventures with song “Mamá Tierra "
➝ https://youtu.be/XUUH54ofBA4
《La llamada》
A veces hay cosas que ocurren el momento oportuno. Un día cualquiera, un amigo prestó a Yerko algo de música de percusión para estudiar. Entre toda esa música, se incluía inocentemente un álbum de kora. Al escucharlo, quedó fascinado por el sonido de la kora y quiso aprender.Durante ocho meses no pudo encontrar ni un profesor ni ninguna kora por donde él vivía, así que decidió ir a casa de uno de los intérpretes del CD: Toumani Diabaté, que vive en Bamako.
有時在生命中,事情總在對的時候到來。有一天,一位朋友借Yerko打擊樂專輯研習,其中不經意地放了另一張Kora的專輯。當Yerko第一次聽這張專輯時,被Kora的琴聲深深地吸引,一份內心深處的強烈渴望召喚著,爾後,整整八個月的時間,他不斷找尋Kora和學習的老師,卻始終沒有回音。也許人們覺得他會就這麼遺忘這份渴望,但事實卻相反,他決定,直接尋找專輯上那個深深讓他著迷的音樂家,那人是Toumani Diabaté,住在西非馬利的首都,巴馬科。
《The calling》
Sometimes in life, things come along at just the right time. One day, a friend lent Yerko some percussion music to study, among which a kora album had been unwittingly included. Upon hearing it, Yerko was fascinated by the sound of the kora, and he was immediately gripped by a desire to learn more. He spent the next eight months searching the city where he was living, but he could find neither a kora nor anyone musically versed in the instrument. He might have left it there, but instead he decided to seek out the musician whose CD had so enchanted him, the kora virtuoso Toumani Diabaté, who lives in Bamako, the capital of Mali, in West Africa.
◉ 實體收藏:https://yerkolorca.com/shop/kora-album/
◉ 數位聆聽:https://snd.click/rdb
#Kora #koramusic #Lira #lyre #framedrum
#worldmusic #rareinstrument
#ancient #videogamemusic
#ykband #yk樂團
Yerko Fuenzalida Lorca
hearing中文 在 米式抓餅 - 很台的台美混血寶寶 Facebook 的最佳貼文
➻ 寶寶真的早點會站會走比較好嗎?
❝ 很多父母都認為,成長「快」就等於「好」,會站會走也是一樣。因為我們的文化如此,所以很多寶寶都是過早被鼓勵站和走,使用學步車(walker)就是一例。其實,會會走沒有什麼不好,但如果這些成長的里程碑跳過了「爬」這個階段,那麼很多的腦部成長就也跟著跳過了。
我們的大腦神經連結感覺與運動神經元(sensory and motor neuron),也就是說,大腦會被感官—聽、看、觸碰、聞—刺激,大腦也同時會在我們肢體活動時被刺激。所以,不是只有思想在左右動作,其實感官與肢體活動也能回頭左右大腦的組建。這就是為什麼,肢體活動其實與學習是不分離的。
在所有的肢體活動中,爬行這個動作對寶寶來說特別地重要,因為他是一種身體兩側手腳的交互交叉動作(cross lateral movement)。寶寶在爬之前,是同側肢體聯合動作(homolateral),這時左腦控制左邊的身體;而右腦控制右邊的身體。如果這時的寶寶會走路,那他走路起來就會同手同腳。爬是兩側手腳交互交叉的動作,能啟動胼胝體(corpus callosum)。胼胝體是橫越左右兩邊大腦的神經路徑,它能連結兩邊的大腦,讓兩邊的大腦互通訊息,我們左右兩邊的身體與所有感官才能夠協調。例如,我們的雙眼視覺(binocular vision)以及雙耳聽力(binaural hearing),就是在這時開始打下基礎的。如果身體兩邊的協調性沒有建立,那麼將來寶寶就可能產生許多症狀,如:
手眼協調(hand-eye coordination)對學習有很大的影響,我們在抄筆記及閱讀時,都需要用到它。當手眼協調出問題時,孩子可能會來不及抄筆記,或因為閱讀很困難,而不喜歡閱讀。
其實我一開始根本不覺得他三隻腳爬行有什麼奇怪,問了很多人都說正常;小兒科醫師們、幼兒教室老師、各種促進幼兒發展的地方我都去了,那個時候花了好一段時間想要解決他的爬行的動作問題,但是最常聽到的還是「爬行有很多種,這樣正常啊,很多小孩都這樣,以後也還是會走路啊」,確實也真的看了很多寶寶這樣爬(還有用屁股爬的🤣),也很多媽媽分享他們的小孩也都是這樣爬,所以我問了一段時間後也覺得這沒有什麼啊,很正常啊😆 直到後來遇到貴人,去了榮總找他們小兒復健的頭,她超溫柔又風趣的幫米寶評估、做檢查、用遊戲做復健,在那邊看到好多看起來根本沒事的小寶寶也在透過遊戲讓肢體動作更協調、更正確。我想,做媽媽的沒有一個人會想聽到自己的孩子有問題,也會恐懼要是是很嚴重的問題怎麼辦,所以當我發現這只是個小問題,靠老師教的復健方式,在家裡做了一個月不到就正常爬行了的時候真的好開心,也好感謝身邊有貴人的幫忙,現在我要繼續煩惱下一個問題了,就是米寶爬的時候搖頭晃腦的到底正不正常🤔
照片是 @raihan.photos 拍的,大家可以去看看他的IG,是個非常非常棒的攝影師,我們拍全家福的時候是超放鬆、超愉快的經驗,推薦給大家,之後我再打一篇分享我們的拍照經驗
#新手媽媽 #媽媽日常 #育兒 #媽媽視角 #育兒日記 #育兒日常 #育兒生活 #育児 #育児日記 #赤ちゃんのいる生活 #赤ちゃん #ベビー #米寶成長日記 #抓餅寶寶
hearing中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
《Penny Rain》
April Showers / 靜待五月時節的四月雨
English Translation: lyricaljourneys
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)
Check my Facebook page for more information!
背景 / Background - 雨上がり - 爽々 :
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
長い雨に遠ざかる声 足を止めて町を眺める
煙る空がどこか奇麗で 懐かしい場所に変わって
いつも傍にいてくれたよね 俄雨に立ち尽くす日も
ふいに浮かぶ過ぎた景色と 木陰の下 雨宿り
小さくて幼い それはまるで
四月の雨 濡れた羽
雲雀はまだ 飛べずにいる
浅い春の冷たさに身をすぼめて 時を待ち続ける
日差しの種 淡い夢
羽ばたくまで 唄を添えて
遠い空の切れ間へと 五月の花の名を 今は知らずに
長い影と呼びかける声 時を止めて星を見た夜
眠る前に交わした言葉 失くしたくないものばかり
小さくて幼い それはいつも
泣いていた 傍にいたくて
通り雨の冷たさに身をすぼめて 歩き出せずにいる
ゆずれないもの ひとつだけ
鞄の中 仕舞い込んで
今でもまだ覚えてる右手のぬくもりと 唄を頼りに
遠く響く雷鳴には 春の嵐の手招きの音
いつか ここで 同じ景色を見てた
四月の雨 風に揺れ
雲雀は今 空を見上げ
浅い春の冷たさに身をゆだねて 羽を広げてゆく
ゆずれないもの ひとつだけ
鞄の中 仕舞い込んで
遠い空の切れ間へと 花咲く五月へと
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Upon hearing the fading voice in the middle of the rain
I stopped walking to gaze upon the city
The hazy sky is turning into
somewhere beautiful and nostalgic
You have always stayed by my side, you even
stood still on days when the rain pours unceasingly
even as scenery floated past unexpectedly
under the shelter of the trees
The small and young something is just like
someone who cries easily
The lark is still unable to fly
as its wings were drenched by the April Showers
In the cold of early spring
it furls its body, awaiting the passing of time
Just as this dream with subdued colours
is adorned by seeds of sunlight,
I will adorn the lark with poems until its wings could flap again
and it can fly to the distant skies
without knowing the name of the flower in May
A long shadow and a voice calling out to me,
the night I stopped time and saw the stars,
words exchanged before going to sleep,
these are all the things I do not want to lose
The small and young something
is always crying, wanting to stay by my side
When the things you can’t afford to lose ever increases
submerge everything in warmth
In the coldness of the passing rain
it furls its body, and stayed still
The one thing I can’t afford to lose
is buried inside my bag
Even now, as I depend on a song
I can still remember the warmth of your right hand
The distant echo of booming thunder
is the sound of the beckoning spring storm
I will see the same scenery here someday
The April Shower is swayed by the wind
The lark is now looking at the sky
In the cold of early spring
It spreads its wings in abandon
The one thing I can’t afford to lose
is buried inside my bag
I head on to the distant skies and
I head on into the month of May, where flowers bloom
without opening my umbrella

hearing中文 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文
台灣一直都是很先進的國家,而且那天也成為全亞洲第一個有同性結婚法律的國家 同時也成為亞洲裡更特別的寶物
大家好~ 我是Brian,一個來自美國,住在台灣的台北的外國人。我住台灣快10年,學中文快15年。歡迎來到Brian愛台灣~
On May 17, 2019, Taiwan became the first country in Asia to make gay marriage legal! What started as a rainy turned into a beautiful sunny day just after the votes to legalize marriage for all were made, letting the rainbows worn by those at the support rally become amplified by real rainbows in the sky.
Taiwan has always been a progressive nation, and, yesterday, it became the first country in Asia to have a gay marriage law; making it an even more unique treasure here in Asia.
I was outside the building at the support rally, and the atmosphere there was so special and unique that I just had to share it with the world.
I want to offer my congratulations to all those who
have endured such a difficult journey.
I also want to share my story with you.
Two years ago, Taiwan’s Constitutional Court ruled that marriage was a right for all. Due to legal processes in Taiwan, however, there was a two year waiting period during which legislators had the opportunity to alter the law, otherwise the change would automatically go into effect.
The Legislative Yuan, the legislative branch of the government, held a hearing to vote on the proposed bills regarding same-sex marriage.
Hi, I’m Brian. A foreigner from America (the US) who has lived in Taipei, Taiwan for nearly 10 years and studied Mandarin Chinese for nearly 15 years. Welcome to Brian2Taiwan.
Please PLEASE share and help me show the world how special Taiwan really is~
Sorry for the mistakes in the subtitles.
I did all the shooting, editing, and captioning myself, so some mistakes, inevitably, got by me. Thanks.
拜託拜託幫我分享,讓我告訴全台灣全球台灣多獨特~ 字幕裡的錯誤請見了. 因為自己拍攝、剪片、上字幕,難免有一些錯誤被我錯過. 謝謝
#taiwan #gaymarriage #samesexmarriage

hearing中文 在 Natayi Youtube 的精選貼文
♡ 支持 IU!支持廣東歌!♡
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NatayiK
► Instagram: NatayiK
► Snapchat: natayi
► Weibo: http://t.cn/Rt7o3Kw
► Inquiries: natayi@gmail.com
♥ Producer: Shihang Liu ♥
♥ Special thanks to my brother for helping me filming it! ♥
夜信/Through the Night/밤편지 (Cover) 廣東話 | IU (아이유)
支持 IU!支持廣東歌!
久違的 cover 又來啦
剛好又是 IU 的了 哈哈哈
下次來 cover 唱點別的!
但是在知道 IU 唱了這首
夜信 Through the Night 的廣東話版的時候
IU 都有唱廣東歌
IU 竟然會讓人為自己的歌填上廣東話版的詞
感動哭 T.T
愛她 嘿嘿
感謝 IU 的用心
加上填詞人 陳詠謙 填上那麼好廣東話的歌詞
想要把這首 夜信 Through the Night 唱給你們聽
P.S. 特地跑去找了個很有香港特色的鐵閘來拍 XD
【About this Video】
夜信/Through the Night/밤편지 (Cover) Cantonese Version | IU (아이유)
Love IU! Love Cantopop!
Haven’t posted covers for a while
So here is one~
Well it’s IU’s songs again but I’ll definitely try something else next time!
I was so excited to hearing IU singing Through the Night 밤편지 with canto lyrics in her concert!
Although I didn’t have a chance to see her concert in Hong Kong
I still screamed when I saw this video at home XD
I kind of expected IU to sing some cantonese songs since she did it last time as well
But I couldn’t believe that she asked someone to fill in its own canto lyrics for Through the Night!!
I bet she really love Cantonese haha
I love IU so much
Thanks IU for putting so much heart in this
The lyricist Chan Yong Him did a really great job in this
(The lyrics are beautiful)
So I wanted to bring to you all a cover of 夜信 Through the Night (Canto ver)
Hope you guys like it!
夜信 translates to “Letter at Night”
作曲:김제휘, 김희원
歌詞 Lyrics:
長夜 一扇窗
帶愛的心 藏心裡
像 歡笑聲 仍然清脆
螢火的光芒飛 遠去
默 不作聲
再吻你千遍 遐想裡
乘著 著晚風 魂遊太虛
尋找多溫柔的 愛侶
海 翻了浪淹沒誰
仍然很想你 徘徊夜空 穿過雨水
我 為你寫 為你追
可不可以躺下來 寄居
螢火飛不回的 過去
怎相遇 怎相隨
多想念 和你一起安睡
在那些天 美好的花蕾
難敵世界 雨打風吹
海 翻了浪淹沒誰
仍然很想你 如何道出 一句千句
我 為你寫 為你追
可不可以躺下來 寄居
長夜 一扇窗
帶愛的信 回憶裡
夢 的美好 仍然心醉
螢火的光芒飛 遠去
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