要拍到細小的睫毛真的不容易,我盡力了😂 要讓相機拍得到的位置,我就看不到鏡子,只能用眼角餘光勉強看到相機小小的翻轉螢幕,所以有點找不到我想要的位置,大家能理解就好。而下睫毛最好是一對一,不是堆疊唷!今天主要就是分享我的經驗跟方法提供參考,相信多練習就會找到適合自己的方式😊
💗 影片中使用的商品▼Products I Mentioned
Monoe - Eyelash with Eyelash Fix 植睫毛胶水
Nectan - Disposable Eyelash Makeup Brush 一次性睫毛化妝刷
SIDIT - False Eyelashes 假眼睫毛
Scala Pro Granting 3D Mink Phoenix Tail Design Individual False Eyelashes Cluster 5 Root 0.07 C Curl Eye Lash Extension Health Makeup Tools (12mm)
我喜歡的上睫毛 https://amzn.to/2IPYyjQ
2 Pieces VETUS Straight Pointer and J Curved Pointed Tip Tweezers for Eyelash Extensions Precision Lashing Tweezers Professional Tools Set for Isolation False Classic Volume Mink Individual Lash 睫毛夾兩入組 https://amzn.to/3kLDyYI
EMILYSTORES Eyebrow Eyelash Extensions Under Lower False Lashes Mixed J Curl 0.10mm Length 5mm 6mm 7mm 8mm In One Tray
下睫毛 https://amzn.to/35JoIxP
Baisidai Professional Grape Seed Oil Glue Remover Lashes Eyelash Extension Cleaner 5g
葡萄籽去膠膏 https://amzn.to/3nCqcQp
Tifanso 400 PCS Disposable Micro Brush Applicators for Makeup and Personal Care Microswabs for Eyelash Extension (Head Diameter: 2.0mm)
卸除睫毛的小棉棒 https://amzn.to/3lJeOlq
Amiro Smart Lighted Makeup Mirror with Natural Daylight LED Lights, Motion Sensor, Adjustable Brightness, High Definition Countertop Vanity Mirror, (Not Rechargeable)
超清晰LED化妝燈 https://amzn.to/36Lo7eo
(〃∀〃)~♡ 以上整理連結是方便大家購買,價格優惠跟一般人購買一樣。若是限時團購則是比市場上更優惠的價格。然而透過點擊連結交易,我會分到微薄佣金來補貼一部分影片創作成本,在此感謝大家的支持。
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