但林日曦辭職其實是香港人的事,因為 100 毛不知不覺陪伴了我們渡過很多個艱難的時刻,本來要哭的日子都是因為有 100 毛這個奇怪的媒體才讓我們勉強笑得出來。
作為 100 毛站得最前的老闆,林日曦辭職的確有需要向公眾交代原因。
第二個係「跳」。典型藝術家的 inconsistency,因為諗頭多,下一個 idea 好快概過上一個,所以「跳」。
唯一值得研究下的,是八百萬賣晒自己股份畀陳強同阿 Bu。
講真,像我這種鍾意威但又不是太大財力的人,其實完全不會介意用兩千萬左右去買入 100 毛三成股份,更別說那些又要威又出得起錢的人了。
咁點解林生傻到用 33.33% 股份換八百萬咁少呢?最容易想像的原因,大概是他並不希望 100 毛落入外人手中吧,再加上陳強同阿 Bu 可能平時大洗,所以有需要嘅時候都淨係攞得幾球出嚟。
至於那個重中之重的問題,100 毛冇咗林日曦得唔得㗎?
除非你真係好清楚 100 毛的內部運作,否則邊個可以有答案?
我自己覺得,100 毛唔係玩林日曦一個人,而係玩一個定位。
呢個定位叫做有 heart。
用有 heart 嘅人,做有 heart 嘅嘢。
銅鑼灣分店嘅姐姐明知我打錯電話,仲非常誠懇同我講咗三次「唔好意思」,然後話「麻煩你等等我哋會盡快整」。喂屌,啲服務態度仲好過 Shangri-La。
懷念腦細是應該的,但就算沒有了他,100 毛依然是香港人的心靈雞湯。
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅Miền Tây Vlogs,也在其Youtube影片中提到,UNDISPUTED | Skip reacts Kawhi 'Very Concerned' About Clippers' Inconsistency After Pelicans Loss...
inconsistency 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Pon Bebels Masak Sayur
Tired of the inconsistency of the MCO
Hence my reliance on a gadget that ensures perfect results … all the time.
DM me for more info. Get yours today as the last day for Batch 2 shipment is on the 19th July. HURRY!
Installment plans ada. Donchu worriess
inconsistency 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文
FB, IG訊息大爆炸📩📩📩📩📩
👩🏻🏫: 6堂
👩🏻🏫: 我有在附圖中打星號標示喔!
👩🏻🏫: 今天再送上part 2,12個星座就湊齊囉😉
👩🏻🏫: 可以背下補習班電話與輔導老師名字,有問題立刻撥電話詢問他們
🌟 俐媽英文教室—星座篇part 2:
♎️ Libra 天秤座
🆗 patience 耐心/ refinery 有涵養/ good taste 好品味/ fairness 公平
🆖 inconsistency 不一致/ snobbery 勢利/ vanity 虛榮
㊙️ 育兒特色:mother seeking for balance 平衡媽咪
♏️ Scorpio 天蠍座
🆗 strength 力量/ resilience 適應力/ intuition 直覺/ willpower 意志力
🆖 control 控制欲/ paranoia 偏執/ emotional unavailability 情緒難以捉摸/ obsessiveness 過度執著/ intensity to a fault 執著探究錯誤
㊙️ 育兒特色:magnetic mama 磁鐵媽咪
♐️ Sagittarius 射手座
🆗 adventure 冒險/ wisdom 智慧/ humor 幽默/ perspective 有洞察力的
🆖 impatience 沒耐心/ crudeness 説話太直/ bluntness 遲鈍/ too much spontaneity 過度主動介入/ lack of structure 缺乏組織
㊙️ 育兒特色:mama living in the moment 活在當下的媽咪
♑️ Capricorn 魔羯座
🆗 planning 有計劃/ structure 有系統/ traditional values 傳統價值觀/ consistency 一致性/ patience 耐心/ thoughtfulness 體貼
🆖 worry and anxiety 偏擔心常焦慮/ overly cautious 過度謹慎/ pessimism 悲觀主義/ self-doubt 自我懷疑/ seriousness to a fault 對出錯很認真嚴肅看待
㊙️ 育兒特色:more of the dad than of a mom 嚴父款媽咪
♒️ Aquarius 水瓶座
🆗 youthfulness 年輕活力/ open-mindedness 開明/ originality 原創性/ fairness 公平
🆖 boundaries 設限/ turbulence and drama 易混亂且小題大作/ detachment 情感抽離/ overly permissive tendencies 過度放仼
㊙️ 育兒特色:a mom in all her eclectic glory 兼容並蓄的媽咪
♓️ Pisces 雙魚座
🆗 compassion 同情心/ imagination 想像力/ nurturing 培育的/ creativity 創造力
🆖 kookiness 古怪/ manipulation 支配/ instability 不穩定/ guilt 罪惡感
㊙️ 育兒特色:mermaid mommy 美人魚媽咪
inconsistency 在 Miền Tây Vlogs Youtube 的最讚貼文
UNDISPUTED | Skip reacts Kawhi 'Very Concerned' About Clippers' Inconsistency After Pelicans Loss

inconsistency 在 mia ong Youtube 的最佳貼文
Not me posting clips from 2020 in 2021 ?
I started a new IG account! https://instagram.com/__miaoow
I wanted to get this video up earlier but I kept having editing block so it took a while. I’m so so sorry for the inconsistency. Also while editing i kept replaying the preview because I love the preview song so much. It’s probably my favourite part lol
Happy new year! Stay safe & healthy.
❤️, mia
Editing app:VLLO
Filmed on iPhone SE 2020 & iPhone SE 1
This video is not sponsored.

inconsistency 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的最讚貼文
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事実はなぜ人の意見を変えられないのか を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/35WD6RN
信頼はなぜ裏切られるのか を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/3cra672
戦争プロパガンダ10の法則 を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/2xYbvD7
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Morris, Michael, et al. (2002) Schmooze or lose: Social friction and lubrication in e-mail negotiations.
Cheng, Joey T et al. (2016)Listen, follow me: Dynamic vocal signals of dominance predict emergent social rank in humans.
Stephen M. Smith et al. (1991) Celerity and Cajolery: Rapid Speech May Promote or Inhibit Persuasion through its Impact on Message Elaboration
Jerry M. Burger et al. (2001) The Effect of Fleeting Attraction on Compliance to Requests
Cory R. Scherer et al. (2005) Indecent influence: The positive effects of obscenity on persuasion
Adam M. Grant, et al. (2015) Busy brains, boasters' gains: Self-promotion effectiveness depends on audiences cognitive resources
Nora A. Murphy et al. (2015) Appearing Smart: The Impression Management of Intelligence, Person Perception Accuracy, and Behavior in Social Interaction
Weaver, Kimberlee,Garcia, Stephen M.,Schwarz, Norbert,Miller, Dale T.(2007) Inferring the popularity of an opinion from its familiarity: A repetitive voice can sound like a chorus.
Daniel J. O’Keefe. et al. (2008) Do Loss-Framed Persuasive Messages Engender Greater Message Processing Than Do Gain-Framed Messages? A Meta-Analytic Review
Aiwa Shirako, et al. (2015) Is there a place for sympathy in negotiation? Finding strength in weakness
Kumkale, G. et al. (2004)The Sleeper Effect in Persuasion: A Meta-Analytic Review.
Adam Grant(2014)How I Overcame the Fear of Public Speaking
advantages of being unpredictable: How emotional inconsistency extracts concessions in negotiation
Dariusz DolinskiaRichard Nawratb et al. (1998) Fear-Then-Relief” Procedure for Producing Compliance: Beware When the Danger Is Over
Franklin J. Boster et al. (2009) Dump-and-Chase: The Effectiveness of Persistence as a Sequential Request Compliance-Gaining Strategy
Boaz Hameiri, et al. (2014) Paradoxical thinking as a new avenue of intervention to promote peace
Chenhao Tan et al. (2016) Winning Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-faith Online Discussions
※この動画は、上記の参考資料および、動画を元に考察したもので、あくまで一説であり、真偽を確定するものではありません。リサーチ協力の鈴木祐さんの論文解説チャンネルもオススメです→http://ch.nicovideo.jp/paleo #今なら

inconsistency 在 inconsistency - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
inconsistency · 查看更多. KK[͵ɪnkənˋsɪstənsɪ]; DJ[͵inkənˋsistənsi]. 美式. n. 不一致;不協調;前後矛盾[U][S1];(原則、行為等方面的)易變,反覆無常[U] ... ... <看更多>
inconsistency 在 inconsistency - 用法_例句 - 海词词典 的相關結果
The amendment will remove the inconsistency between the two laws. 修正案將會消除這兩條法律之間的不一致之處。 Another significant inconsistency is cursor ... ... <看更多>
inconsistency 在 INCONSISTENCY在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 的相關結果
inconsistency 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the fact of containing some ideas, statements, arguments, etc. that do not agree with others, or…。了解更多。 ... <看更多>