子宮頸癌的疫苗在全球已經上市十多年,理論上可以預防子宮頸癌 ,但還未有大型研究結果 。前幾天在新英格蘭醫學雜誌上發表了一份在瑞典160萬名年輕女性接種4價HPV 疫苗12年的追蹤研究報告。下方的圖表裡,很清楚的表示了有無接種疫苗與各年齡層子宮頸癌的發生頻率。
這個疫苗的發展從找到HPV 病毒為主要致癌機轉(99.7%),到發展出全球疫苗造福所有女性,是醫學研究的一大勝利。這張圖表勝過千言萬語,值得與大家分享。
4 價疫苗比2價多兩型可以多預防病毒疣。
9 價疫苗除了以上還包括一些在亞洲與台灣流行的其他致癌株 可以達到近9成涵蓋率。
The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer has been around for more than a decade. The result of a 12-year follow-up study on a 1.6 million Swedish cohort was published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. The graph below speaks more than a thousand words about the importance of HPV vaccination for women.
The cumulative incidence of cervical cancer in women who received vaccination before the age of 17 is approximately half of those who never received vaccination. After adjustment of covariate, the incidence ratio is about 0.37. This result does not surprise me because the HPV vaccine covers serotype 16 and 18 which cause up to 70% of all cervical cancer.
We have come a long way since the discovery of the association between HPV and cervical cancer as early as the 60's to the invention of HPV vaccine in the early 2000's. This fabulous result of cancer reduction from a vaccination program in a large scale population is an example of medical innovation and collaboration. I would not be surprised if another Nobel Laureate is crowned on a scientist working in this area in the near future (such as the distinguished Australian, Professor Ian Frazer. )
the quadrivalent vaccine is better than the double-valent because it also covers some serotypes that cause genital warts.
the 9-valent vaccine also includes carcinogenic serotypes that are common in Asia.
the incidence of cervical cancer begins to rise at age of 23, this reflects the starting age of pap smear program in Sweden. However, the incidence of cervical cancer before age of 23 is ver low.
there are still 19 women who developed cervical cancer out of the half-million women who received HPV vaccination, so vaccination does not offer 100% protection
There is a high rate of vaccination uptake in Taiwan. However, it is still important to do pap smear regularly for women over 30 or those who are sexually active for more than 3 years.
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hpv疫苗真的有效 在 Mobile01: 首頁 的時間交通和停車住宿
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hpv疫苗真的有效 在 2022健康To Do List!最該打的HPV疫苗,男女防癌超重要女人 ... 的時間交通和停車住宿
2022最重要的願望真的是身體健康耶 既然有可以超前佈署的# HPV疫苗 能夠 有效 預防相關的癌症兄弟姊妹們不管男女生快點積極預防馬上就搜離家最近的HPV衛 ... ... <看更多>