T-3 to @great_run
"Elite Start List" packed with Olympians Medalist
Downloaded @great_run app on Google Play Store and have a look at the startlist.
Super grateful to be included in the Elite Category (Number 52) and got the opportunity to race alongside the Olympians like @galenruppofficial (Rio 2016 Marathon Silver Medalist) @bashirabdi204 (Toyko 2020 Marathon Bronze Medalist) @stewy_mac3 (Australian Mile Record Holder - 3:48.37 and a 1500m - 3:29.51) @kingcheserek (17 NCAA Titles) @jakeliamsmith98 (Winner of Big Half Marathon 2021)
Although @gomofarah won't be joining this event this time, but I am still hoping that he will come and support his training buddy Bashir Abdi and former training partner Galen Rupp here in Newcastle.
Men Elite will be flagged off at 9.45am here in Newcastle, that will be 4.45pm (Malaysia Time) and it will be livestream on @bbcsport
I am super exciting for it and I believe I am going to run a great race here! Aiming for a sub 72 minimum and the best will be achieving a sub 70.
I am a fan boy of @gomofarah
and @galenruppofficial and now I have the opportunity to meet Galen Rupp in person 😃
Also not forgetting to mention the Women Elite @hellenobiri
(2017 World Champion for Women 5000m), @bygolly.molly
(Tokyo 2020 Marathon Bronze Medallist) and @charlottepurdue (Winner of Big Half 2021)
#GreatNorthRun #GreatRun #Newcastle #HalfMarathon
5000m training 在 江晏慶 Cliff Chiang Facebook 的最讚貼文
【奧運中長跑雙金Hicham El Guerrouj的 #POWER_Training】
喜歡中長跑奧運紀錄史的朋友,應該對這位摩洛哥神人El Guerrouj有些印象,筆者想到他時,腦海所浮現的畫面是在2004年雅典奧運會的轉播上,1500m決賽的最後50m以半身之差超越美裔肯亞好手Lagat;5000m最後一圈以筆者全力跑單圈都跑不到的52.93秒高速拉開與長跑國王Bekele、馬拉松王者Kipchoge的距離,雙金入袋。同時,El Guerrouj創下的1500m(3’26”00)與1mile(3’43’13)紀錄更是保持了20年以上,至今無人能破。在那個資源匱乏的年代,我想許多人都和我一樣好奇他的訓練方式吧!
筆者從Marco Veledíaz這位摩洛哥國家級中長跑教練的分享中(大部分El Guerrouj訓練相關的文章都是他寫的),特別拉出「POWER Training」這個項目跟大家分享,同時這個訓練,也在我們先前文章中提過的紐西蘭傳奇教練Arthur Lydiard所操作的「Hill Training」有異曲同工之妙,沒錯,這是利用緩上坡(坡度5~10%)進行衝刺、綜合彈跳的高強度訓練。
您可能會想,這有什麼好講的,這不是很常聽到嗎? 其實不然,以筆者長年的觀察,真正有做到此課表精隨的台灣跑者並不多,主要是因為不了解課表操作的強度設定,以及如何置入在週期當中。接下來的內容,我們就以Arthur Lydiard所設定的長跑週期為例(因為El Guerrouj畢竟是1500、5000m的選手),結合El Guerrouj的POWER Training訓練法與各位分享。
Garmin Run Club-TW 專欄連結:
圖片來源: olympic
5000m training 在 Soh Wai Ching - Athlete Facebook 的最讚貼文
22nd July 2020 - 40 Floors Time Trial
Clock a decent time of 3:46 minutes this morning for 40 floors with 800 steps, 130m elevation gain.
Today of last month, I did a 40 Floors Time Trial as well, and I managed to renew my Personal Record with a time of 3:39.9 min!
After that I decided to take a break from stairs and focus in running a fast 5000m and so I did a time trial on 30th June. Looking forward to see what I can do in a month time from 30th June. However, on the past two weeks, in a Fartlek session, I accidentally pulled my hamstring due to adrenaline rush and wanting to complete the session.
I managed to complete the Fartlek session and ended up with about 8 days of hamstring strained. I knew that I wasn't well prepare to sprint during the Fartlek session because of this and therefore I decided to switch back my focus back in Stairs.
For the past three weeks, my only goal in all the training session are "light and easy" mode. I started daily skipping rope and push up from the past two weeks.
With just last two weeks of skipping rope (week 1 - 14,000 skips, week 2 - 16780 skips), I found out that my ankles, calves strength are getting stronger than before.
Without any speed session on the stairs for the past three weeks and I am glad to still able to clock 3:46 minutes this morning.
I am confident that I will be able to renew my 40 Floors Time Trial PR of 3:39.9 real soon after I put in the speedwork!
T-10 weeks to @laverticaledelatoureiffel
#MasTowerRunner #EiffelTowerRun #LaVerticaledelaTourEiffel #RoadToWorldNo1 #Champion
5000m training 在 TRAINING FOR 5000M | Facebook 的時間交通和停車住宿
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