[生活美語] Time to work out!
那健身教練英文怎麼說? Personal trainer? Fitness coach? The person who brings us pain?
💪 Aerobics 有氧健身法;有氧運動
keep fit 保持身體健康
get in shape 來保持體形; get back in shape 來恢復體型
aerobic exercise 有氧運動
do some cardio 做一些有氧運動*
burn off calories 消耗卡路里
cardiorespiratory endurance 心肺耐力
a high-intensity exercise 高強度運動
keep lean 保持苗條
Do one more rep.** 再做一次。💪
*cardio: 可提高心跳頻率的運動;有氧運動
**rep = repetition 的縮寫,代表次數,也就是你每一個動作做了幾下、幾次。
💪 Weight Lift 舉重
anaerobic exercise 無氧運動
body composition 身體組成
boost your metabolism 促進新陳代謝*
bulk up 通過大量的鍛鍊使身材變得更壯實、塊頭變得更大
Do another one! 再做一次! 💪
*metabolism: https://bit.ly/3nwAelY
💪 Build Those Muscles 鍛煉肌肉
core training 核心訓練
circuit training 循環訓練
isolation exercise 分離動作
compound exercise 複合動作/多關節動作
free weights 自由重量(訓練)
strength training 力量訓練
gain mass 增肌,增重
get cut 讓肌肉很有切割度
One more, that's all! 再一次就好了! 💪
💪 Feel the Burn 感受灼熱
muscle soreness 肌肉酸痛
a burning sensation 灼熱的感覺
lactic acid 乳酸
muscle cramps 肌肉痙攣
interval training 間歇訓練
injury prevention 傷害預防
That one didn't count, do another! 那次不算,再來一次! 💪
💪 Eating Right 正確飲食
eat a bit of starch for energy 吃一點澱粉作為能量
replenish essential nutrients 補充必需營養素
get enough protein 得到足夠的蛋白質
absorb amino acids 吸收氨基酸
watch your calorie intake 注意你的卡路里攝入量
You can do it. Just one more! 你做得到的! 再一次就好! 💪
💪 No Pain, No Gain 一分耕耘,一分收穫
get advice from a fitness coach 向健身/健康指導師諮詢*
work out with your personal trainer 與私人教練一起運動*
achieve micro-goals and long-term goals 實現小目標和長期目標
lose body fat 減少脂肪
build muscular strength and endurance 增強肌肉力量和耐力
maintain focus 保持專注
achieve your goal 實現你的目標
*coach vs trainer: https://bit.ly/38GQgWx
OK. Rest for a bit before the next set. 休息一下再做下一組。💪
圖中是我教練 (personal trainer) 黃鎮宇 ,他的二頭肌好像比我的頭還大...
His biceps are bigger than my head.
Check out his IG: https://www.instagram.com/max____huang/
生活美語: https://bit.ly/2H42k8T
文字轉語音: https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/