20/8星期六, 下午去完香港公園, 到晚上又來了荔枝角公園,
這裡的車厘龜, 相比起比卡超公園出得更密, 比較容易捕獲....
► 寵物IV值(個體隱藏潛在值)計算網 - https://pokeiv.net/
► 寵物出生點搜尋器 - https://pokemon.appx.hk/
► 同系列影片清單在此 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhmw731Ra5HniFbkXKR-DTJtxxhIF6tPk
► 遊戲官網: http://www.pokemongo.com/
► 遊戲app store下載位置:
► 遊樂場粉絲facebook專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/cocolandhk
► Outro Music by : http://www.rengoku-teien.com
►►► 大家如果玩得開心的話, 請給一個like支持影片及留言,
訂閱頻道隨時接收最新影片動態 - 成為可可遊樂場的專屬「VIP玩家」, 感謝^^~
►►► 關於此遊戲
Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, and many other Pokémon have been discovered on planet Earth!
Now’s your chance to discover and capture the Pokémon all around you—so get your shoes on, step outside, and explore the world. You’ll join one of three teams and battle for the prestige and ownership of Gyms with your Pokémon at your side.
Pokémon are out there, and you need to find them. As you walk around a neighborhood, your smartphone will vibrate when there’s a Pokémon nearby. Take aim and throw a Poké Ball… You’ll have to stay alert, or it might get away!

teams下載位置 在 【NPTU停課不停學微影片-TEAMS】如何錄製及下載影片 的時間交通和停車住宿
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