例句與用法 · I just ran into him before i met you . · I've been running into all sorts of people . · The sweat ran into the eyes and smarted .
#2. 用run into造句-六车网
用run into造句 · 1. 撞到,例run into a wall (撞到墙上) · 2. 陷入,例run into trouble (陷入麻烦) · 3. 跑进,例run into the store (跑进商店) · 4. 无意 ...
He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later. 几分钟之后他在走廊里意外碰到了克雷特纳。 ... The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ...
If you run into problems, you begin to experience them. ... We ran into bad weather/debt/trouble. 我們遇到了壞天氣/背上了債務/遇到了麻煩。 想要學更多嗎? 透過 ...
#5. run into造句简单 - 搜狗搜索 - Sogou
Let me know if you run into any snags . 要是遇到什么麻烦就告诉我。 《牛津词典》 We had the misfortune to run into a violent storm . 我们不幸遭遇了猛烈的暴风雨。
7、It is much easier to run into debt than to get out of it.(借债容易还债难。) 8、Have you ever run into any trouble with the police?(
#7. run into是什么意思,run into怎么读 - 英语翻译在线翻译
run into 的中文意思:快速进入…;(使)碰,点击查看详细解释:run into的中文翻译、run into的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握run into这个短语。
#8. run into - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
run into 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 参考翻译. 偶然遇见,加起来,累计达,碰撞,陷入,刺入; 偶然碰见,撞见 ...
I am here in London, and I have just run into another lovely English teacher, YouTube English teacher—it's Lucy! 我人在倫敦,然後我剛遇到另一位迷人的英文 ...
#10. run into (【片語動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"run into" 相關課程教材 ; You run into a close friend. 你遇見一位親近的好朋友。 ; Nina and Kyoko run into each other at the supermarket. Nina和Kyoko在超市碰巧遇見 ...
#11. 不期而遇英文怎麼說?搞懂run into/bump into 中文意思跟用法
run into 的意思是指「to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to」也就是碰見某個你認識的人,但是你本來並沒有預期要跟對方見面,也就是 ...
#12. Run around和Runaround,差一個空格意思大不同! around,是「跑來跑去」;合在一起runaround就是其抽象的意思,「兜圈子、不直接回答、故意不幫忙」,其實就是敷衍。 3.除了phone it in ...
#13. run into翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
run into 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇見。英漢詞典提供【run into】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#14. 【簡單實用】run搭配片語大集合,教大家輕鬆「跑」出好英文
同樣有這種巧遇意思的片語還有run across 跟bump into,都是很實用的片語呢! 例句: I ran into my cousin on the bus this morning.
#15. 輪椅造句_用run into造句
本資訊是關於用run into造句,用忽然造句,在上造句,用「癱瘓」、「沉寂」、「捶打」、「高潔」、「喜出望外」這幾個詞如何造句相關的內容,由東光縣教育 ...
#16. Hit the ground running 積極做到最好- BBC UK China - 潮流英語
Yang Li: 就是說嘛。老闆說讓你to hit the ground running 的意思是讓你到了錄音室以後,馬上投入工作,努力把今天的節目做好 ...
#17. run into的意思- 用法_同义词_反义词_例句_英语短语 - 沪江网校
英英释义 · come together · be beset by · hit against; come into sudden contact with · collide violently with an obstacle.
#18. run for your life-翻译为中文-例句英语
Try stepping into a wrestling arena someday, you'll run for your life before the match begins. 有空踏进摔跤场试试吧比赛还没开始你就要逃命了.
#19. 用run造句,run例句 - 英语句库
Our team made 307 runs in its first inning . 我们队在第一局获307分。 We have run out of petrol . what a bore ! 我们的汽油用完了。真麻烦。
#20. Run for office不是跑到辦公室;In office不是在辦公室裡
“I count on your good offices.” (X)我想和你的公司合作。 (O)我指望你的幫忙。 Office的意思很多,在口語 ...
#21. 「Running water」什麼意思?Run的21種應用 - 每日頭條
I wasn't expecting to run into my dentist at the nightclub. • We didn't finish on time because we ran into a few problems. 2. run over = when a ...
#22. to run into造句 - 罗辞问答网
12、She ran into an old friend in a distant land. 13、The company ran into cash-flow problems and faced liquidation. 14、He ran into debt ...
#23. 英文片語run into 不期而遇;撞上;跑進| 吉娜英文 - YouTube
#24. Run in the family 世代相傳,家族遺傳 - 與BBC一起學英語
表達「run in the family」 的意思是「家庭中的許多成員都具備相同的特徵、能力或患有同一種疾病」,也就是人們常說的「世代相傳,家族遺傳」。
#25. into造句into造句简单 - 拓扑美文网
into造句into造句 简单是拓扑美文网造句大全栏目里的一篇美文美句。更多精彩详细内容请点击进入查看。 ... 用run into造句. runinto. 英[r?n??ntu?]
#26. 生活實用英語| 不只是跑步 ♂️配Run的片語動詞 - 方格子
5) run into (somebody). 偶然遇到(某人)、無意碰見(某人) 例句Graham ran into someone he used ... 重覆練習幾次,再用以上的單字來造句 .
#27. Google 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#28. pour into造句并翻译 - 翻译知识网
Tourists pour into London during the summer months.在夏季,游客涌入伦敦.The coffee will pour into your cup.咖啡就会流进你的杯子. run into ...
#29. run,street,the,dangerous,on,it,busy,is,to.造句. - 作业帮
run,street,the,dangerous,on,it,busy,is,to.造句. ... It is dangerous to run on the busy street.在繁忙的街道上奔跑是很危险的事情. 视频讲解. 专业解析,一看就会.
#30. 用run-in造句大全_快好知
5. The 24-year-old central defender will miss a promotion run-in and a breakthrough on the international scene. 6. After being ruled out of Leeds' championship ...
#31. run away造句-run into造句 - 行方保险
2020年6月2日 run away造句1、Run away,run awayto the mountain shore 2、Torun awayevading arrest 3、To run, torun away, to find, ...
#32. “broke into”可以造什么句,broke into造句- 造句- 语文精选馆
My horse suddenly broke into a gallop. Her horse broke into a trot. Catching sight of her, he broke into a run. Lisette's large red mouth broke ...
#33. walk into造句简单带翻译
沪江词库精选walk into是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语动词走进相似短语walk in 随便进来walk by vt.在...旁边走过,靠.
#34. 展望:IGCSE 0523 & IBDP 中文 B SL(課本一)(簡體版)
课堂活动 Class Activities 安全造句 Safe Zone Sentence-making 分小组进行造句 ... If there is any vocabulary being said, the group members needs to run to the ...
#35. “pass into”写句子用pass into造句大全- 造句知识- 中文知识站
The 90 minutes were almost up when David Platt spotted Bergkamp's darting run into the left-hand side of the box and lofted a perfect pass ...
#36. A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and ...
NALANE PRO 造句 WWW 9 . to be ç fecissen ONED STIO ፃ 9 . ... 24 , they which run in a r . run all Amos 1.15 . for four transgressions I will not let be my ...
#37. 翻译诗学:汉、英 TRANSLATION POETICS - Google 圖書結果
Maybe I'll run into an old man of the woods—We'll laugh, chat, no hour that we ... 诗文不考虑遣词造句的工巧而一味地守拙,体现玄言诗崇尚散淡、超妙自然的诗风。
#38. 用run into造句
用run into造句. 外语. 最佳答案. I ran into an old friend when I was shopping. 查看全文. 2010-12-19. 抢首赞. © 2022 SOGOU.COM. 相关搜索. 相关推荐.
#39. run into - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
ph. 累計達…,與…相撞;偶然遇見,碰到. PyDict. run into ...
#40. 用bump into造句,,要两句 - 作业九九网
英语造句每一个短语、造一个句子 pay attention of集中注意力于at the bottom of在...的底部 bump into碰见by hand手工 make a difference to...对... drop in顺便走访
run into造句 在 英文片語run into 不期而遇;撞上;跑進| 吉娜英文 - YouTube 的時間交通和停車住宿
... <看更多>