條例草案通過之後,任何同學非議校政、向外人講校方不是──例如投稿乜乜 Secrets 、受《蘋果日報》訪問,均可被控「辱校罪」;收哂學校錢嗰三個紀律委員一旦「覺得」、「認為」或「信納」你有「或然率( probabilities )」損害浸大校譽( reputational damage to the University ),就有權奉旨停你學、踢你出校。//
#仲惡過政府 #不如唔好叫自己大學 #差過中學
【行船爭解纜 峻法我推先】香港浸會大學又獻新猷!斥資超過港幣一百萬圓、動員多名副校長、法律顧問炮製,賦與絕對腐化嘅校方絕對權力閂門打仔嘅《浸大廿三條》,一經「審視紀律程序小組」提交教務議會通過就正式上線喇!
條例草案通過之後,任何同學非議校政、向外人講校方不是──例如投稿乜乜 Secrets 、受《蘋果日報》訪問,均可被控「辱校罪」;收哂學校錢嗰三個紀律委員一旦「覺得」、「認為」或「信納」你有「或然率( probabilities )」損害浸大校譽( reputational damage to the University ),就有權奉旨停你學、踢你出校。
配以校方選擇性檢控本地生,不問中國留學生 Feng Ruiguang 刑事恐嚇、 Yang Hao 街頭敦倫啲慣伎,點到爾曹港燦唔服!學生唔敢侮辱浸大囉喎,奉行大家長主義嘅香港浸會大學喺九龍塘建立大家長共榮圈仲唔指日可待!一代天驕成吉思汗只識彎弓射大鵰,何似 Qian Dakang 校長玩程序玩規則玩得咁出神入化,「不可阻擋我願獨霸一方!不可阻擋只想我是王!力.量.服.四.方!」
✍ 即刻聯署反「浸大廿三條」《草案》:
"In general terms, disciplinary offences are likely to fall into one of the categories below
Actions which cause actual or potential distress or harm to others
Actions which cause actual or potential damage to property of others
Actions which disrupt the normal operations, and/or safe use of, the University including where applicable, reputational damage to the University
Actions which impede or interfere with the pursuance of work/ study of University members, or impact on normal operations of the University." (4.1)
"Anti-social behaviour which causes distress to others and/or reputational harm and/or damage to the University’s relationship with the community" (4.1.3)
"Actions which are likely to bring the University into disrepute and/or cause interference to the normal operations of the University" (4.1.3)
"Where a charge or criminal conviction has been made, the University disciplinary proceedings may include an assessment of the risk posed to staff or students. It may also include assessment of the material impact caused by reputational damage to the University, particularly when this impedes or interferes with the normal operations of the University, or when it affects important relationships between the University and key individuals, agencies and stakeholders. If disciplinary action is taken, the penalty imposed by the court shall be taken into account when determining any further penalty." (5.5.2)
五. 新增罪行「言語虐待或恐嚇」( Verbal abuse or intimidation ),屬「導致他人實質或潛在痛苦罪」 (4.1.1)
”Causing distress to others through excessive and unacceptable levels of noise in University residence on campus or in the nearby community” (4.1.1)
七.新增罪行「多次或重覆輕微犯罪」( Multiple or repeated minor offences )屬各項罪名 (4.1.1 and 4.1.2)
"The rules of evidence in Hong Kong law do not apply; the standard of proof required is the balance of probabilities" (Scope- general)
九.有關暫時停學令( Temporary Suspension )的程序條文隻字不改。
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