從1966年到1973年的美國空軍人員,越戰期間執行的秘密任務「404 計劃」(Project 404),為「白星行動」,受中情局的指揮深入寮國,但寮國立場保持不涉入越戰,他們並未穿著軍服而是便服,可以推測身份是軍事顧問團
Project 404 was the code name for covert operations by the United States Air Force during American efforts in Laos. From 1966 to 1973. The US Air Force provided advisors. Because Laos declared it's neutrality to the war between the US and North Vietnam. US Airmen did not wear uniforms but instead civilian attire.
Project 404 was the successor to Operation White Star. The goal of 404 was to provide the Royal Lao Air Force the necessary support in battling the Pathet Lao Communists. Originally the USAF did have some prior experience in Laos with programs such as the "Butterflies" which allocated a total of four Air Force NCOs. All of them sergeants who were from Combat Control Teams. These first airmen wore civilian uniforms and flew shotgun in Air America aircraft. Often riding with Lao or Thai interpreters. These Airmen helped to coordinate airstrikes. The three known of these airmen were Major John J. Garrity Jr, Master Sergeant Charles Larimore Jones, and Tech Sergeant James J. Stanford.
The program was going pretty well until General William Momyer discovered that enlisted men were in charge of the strikes and not officers. This ended the program as Momyer wanted rated fighter pilots. Despite end of the Butterfly program. Palace Dog was formed in response with the CIA coming up with a plan. This involved using Laotian interpreters to ride in aircraft flown by Americans. Thus leading to the Ravens. Ravens which acted as Forward Air Controllers.
Ravens had to have at least 60 days of service in Vietnam along with a certain number of flight times as a pilot or FAC. These men were screened by the 56th SOW at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB then assigned to the US Embassy in Vientiane. There they were given false identification and civilian clothing for the duration of their tour. These Airmen instead of reporting to an officer. Reported into the American Ambassador. This caused a lot of friction between US Military Commanders like Momyer or Westmoreland. Often Ravens suffered repercussions as the Air Force viewed this as an offensive.
23 Ravens died in Laos along with an army attache by the name of Joseph Bush.
For more information I strongly recommend The Ravens Website. Or books such as "The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America's Secret War in Laos."
pathet lao 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的最佳解答
寮國在 1953 年前是法國殖民地,獨立後一度成為親美的君主立憲制國家。可是,50 至 70 年代的中共大搞世界革命,支援全球各地共產黨起義,這一波革命浪潮也延伸到寮國。接壤中國和北越的東北部,成為共產組織巴特寮(Pathet Lao)的根據地。寮國內戰由 1953 年打到 1975 年,共 22 年,因為當時相關新聞都被同期越戰蓋過,又被稱為「秘密戰爭」。這場戰爭死傷枕藉,「日經亞洲評論」估計死亡數字高達 20 萬人。在 60 年代,從未正式宣佈參戰的美國在寮國掉下大量炸彈,據指單是 1969 年,空襲炸彈量已經超過二戰對日本的太平洋戰爭。
除了空襲,美國中情局也秘密培訓寮國的各個少數民族為反共戰士。1963 年,寮國 30 萬苗民中,有近 2 萬男丁成為親美的特種游擊隊(Special Guerrilla Units),由一代名將王寶(Vang Pao)領軍。到 1969 年,游擊隊人數增至 4 萬人。然而,寮國親美政權,最終還是不敵得到中國和北越支持的巴特寮,1975 年越南和柬埔寨相繼赤化,寮國政權也易手。內戰完結時,大約 4 萬苗軍喪生,佔當地 4 分 1 苗族男丁。王寶帶同軍隊餘部及家屬逃難到泰國,再遷往美國。而戰後,共產政權也大量屠殺苗族人報復,歷史學家 Christopher Catherwood 就估計,政權易手後 5 年間,約 10 萬苗族人遇難。
很多苗族平民只能沿山路走難到泰國,成為一股難民潮。1978 年時,美國基本上沒有苗族居民,1980 年美國通過難民法案後,到 1984 年數目急升到 1.8 萬,2000 年更有 18 萬。根據全國廣播公司(NBC)數字,到 2013 年,美國大約有 253,000 名苗族人;到今天,依然有很多苗族難民滯留在泰國,過去泰國一直想將他們遣返。在寮國,仍然有數以千計的苗族匿藏於深山叢林之中,繼續反共事業,到 50 年代至今,已奮戰 60 年,「時代雜誌」就稱他們為「被遺忘的盟友」(A Forgotten Ally)。