小宇原本在暑假要參加幼童組最後的幾場重要賽事(好快就要上小學啦~和小宇第一次見面時才不到四歲呢!時間過好快😭)但疫情的關係都取消或延期了,也因此我們提早完成了原本要參賽的曲目並且在家錄影下來、報名這場義大利線上比賽,好開心幼童組的最後一場賽事有這麼棒的happy ending~在這過程裡年紀小小的小宇真的很有耐心,錄影片的那一兩週內被吹毛求疵的我退貨好多次,小宇還是超認真的改進樂句線條及不斷重複慢練困難的技巧,在影片完成後這一個多月更是累積了許多基本進度及小奏鳴曲、巴哈初步、還彈了他從四歲就夢想的Let it go和大黃蜂🐝讓我們繼續充實紮實的學習,感受更多音樂的魅力和樂趣~
才11歲的樹薇這次以海頓和浦羅高菲夫作品參加13歲以下的組別,這組將近五十位參賽者都非常優秀、程度也很超齡,樹薇能拿到97分的1st Prize佳績真的很令人開心驕傲🥇也能藉此開開眼界看到許多國家優秀的小小鋼琴家~程度一直很棒的樹薇這一兩年來更是鋼琴魂大爆發、累積了非常多各種樂派的大大小小作品,還嘗試了自己即興創作(超好聽超有故事性的),對音樂的感受力和彈奏細膩度也更加成熟了~~除了義大利比賽得到佳績外也要恭喜樹薇在前幾天剛公佈的《2021巴雀盃音樂大賽》以練了幾週的柴可夫斯基船歌榮獲五年級組第一名🎉樹薇因為看了火神的眼淚而主動開始練習這首曲目,能以慢的曲子展現音樂性和深度、脫穎而出真的很不容易呢!感謝巴雀盃七位專業評審的肯定及用心的評語🙏
同時也有125部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過312萬的網紅E ve,也在其Youtube影片中提到,遊生夢死 (Yuseiboushi) - Eve Music Video ▼Streaming / DL (配信) 9/27~ https://tf.lnk.to/gunjoyusei Lyrics/Music/Vocal:Eve Arrangement:Numa カラオケ(inst):htt...
let it go (piano) 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
終於有機會同 @mcheung1201 一齊合唱《反對無效》嘅英文版本 “How Many Times” 🤘🏻😝! 多謝 @sotoc and @nictsui for jamming with us! And the nice mix by @enoch_cheng ! You guys asked for a duet version, so here it is, 希望你哋鍾意!🙏🏻❤️ #反對無效 #HowManyTimes
“How Many Times”
曲:馮允謙 / Cameron Browne
Piano: 蘇道哲
Guitar: Nic Tsui
Mix by Enoch Cheng
MC: Been waiting by the phone to ring everyday
But you don’t really ever seem to call
I managed to push you away, away from me
Now I’m by myself, by myself here all alone
J: How many times, did I try but can’t move on
I fought a million times, but I still keep holdin’ on
My heart is crumblin’ deep down inside
But I still can’t seem to let you go oh…
MC: Everyday it seems like I’ve been losing my mind
The things I did to hurt you, wish that I could rewind
I feel the beat of my heart keeps moving too fast
Moving too fast yeah...
J: All the times you needed me I pushed you away
Was scared that you might pick up and just lead me astray
I need you, need you, back in my life
I’ll do it different this time with you
No I just can’t live without you...oooo...
MC: How many times did I try but can't move on
You fought a million times, til you couldn’t stand no more
J: I built a wall round’ my heart deep inside
Never let nobody ever come close
Together: Everyday it seems like I’ve been losing my mind
The things I did to hurt you, wish that I could rewind
I feel the beat of my heart keeps moving too fast
Moving too fast yeah...
Together: All the times you needed me I pushed you away
Was scared that you might pick up and just lead me astray
I need you, need you, back in my life
I’ll do it different this time with you
No I just can’t live without you...oooo...
J: I’m sorry that I couldn’t, give you all of me…
This broken heart, that hasn’t healed entirely… ohhh no...
MC: Now I’ll have, to live, life knowing, I let you slip away...
MC: Everyday it seems like I’ve been losing my mind
The things I did to hurt you, wish that I could rewind
I feel like half of my heart is missing inside, sometimes I just wanna die
Together: If you give me one more chance I will make a change
I will do my best to love you all of my days
I need you, need you, back in my life
I’ll do it different this time with you
No I just can’t live without you
let it go (piano) 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Back to One album track 7 - One
Wordplay in Chinese: one and two. I laid out the sequence of the ride of romance with fragments of stories, moment after moment, but I think u can shuffle them and tell your own version if you wish. String quartet, piano, heartache, inspiration from the love poems of Dalai Lama II, here’s the ash of my love stories.
(Chet Lam)
Love at first sight
One heart skips a beat
One casual encounter
One night talking heart to heart
One moment of connection
One new episode
One is tired, looking to rejuvenate
One is curious, looking for excitement
Two bodies
One shadow
One way street
One naked heart
One cannot stop searching
One beloved face
One full moon
A lifetime of longing
One is counting on the strength of love
One is afraid of the power of distance
One happiness concerns two
One keeps going
Feeling time
One keeps thinking
Love deepened
I will remember how your tears nourished my eyes
One falls asleep
Two meet in dreams
One promise held by only one
What’s the point
One decision
One plane ticket
One moment of heartache
One calls it quit
One doesn’t want to let go
One love cannot survive two worlds
One keeps going
Doing time
One keeps thinking
Feelings fade away
You will remember how my tears nourished your eyes
Two fall asleep
One leaves
One keeps going
Feeling time
One keeps thinking
Love deepened
I will remember how your years nourished my eyes
One falls sleep
Two meet in dreams
Love at first sight
Two become strangers
One lifetime flashed away
一見如故 一個心跳 偶然的相遇
一夜傾訴 一陣悸動 一段新插曲
一路走來 一顆真心 追求沒停止
一張臉孔 一輪明月 一輩子心事
一個人入睡 兩人夢裏見
一個承諾 一人堅守 有什麼意思
一個決心 一張機票 心痛一陣子
兩個人入睡 一個人走遠
一個人入睡 兩人夢裏見
一見如故 再見陌路
#思源 #一 #達賴喇嘛 #謝安琪
link here: https://instabio.cc/BackToOne
let it go (piano) 在 E ve Youtube 的精選貼文
遊生夢死 (Yuseiboushi) - Eve Music Video
▼Streaming / DL (配信) 9/27~
◆個人制作アニメーションの祭典『Project Young.』公式サイト
◆主題歌『遊生夢死』Project Young. Compilation Video Film:A
Produce Eve
Imari Ozaki
----Special Thanks----
Shun Enokido
Keisuke Kojima
Hiroto Nishizawa
Sachie Hiraka
Ayumi Kobayashi
Akito Senaha
Recorded by Tetsuro Sawamoto (Aobadai Studio Inc.)
Recorded at Aobadai Studio Inc.
Assisted by Miyuki Nakamura (Aobadai Studio Inc.)
Mixed by Masashi Uramoto (Soi Co.,Ltd)
Mixed at Soi Studio
~~End roll~~
piano : Nene Ario
youtube channel:https://goo.gl/jiNQkz
◆New EP『廻廻奇譚 / 蒼のワルツ』
2020.12.23 release
▶️ Tie up
廻廻奇譚 / TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』オープニング主題歌
蒼のワルツ / アニメ映画『ジョゼと虎と魚たち』主題歌
心海 / アニメ映画『ジョゼと虎と魚たち』挿入歌
漂う思いのせいで 満たされない雨で
Due to these drifting thoughts, in the unfulfilling rain
立ち込める 爛れてく 鈍色の月
I'm enshrouded by the blazing dull-colored moon
揺蕩うような声で あなたを知って
I know you by your wavering voice
Existing as if it were in a dream
夜を壊せと 手放せと 揺らう心音を
Break through the night and let go of that trembling heartbeat
ほっとした 感傷的になれば
I'm relieved, if I become sentimental
The backchanneling doesn't seem to repeat
Remaining submerged in the depths of a daydream
Dear you, who failed to die
Living idly and dying as if dreaming
才能ない脳内 唱えよシスターズ
Preach to my talentless brain, sisters
All I can do is lower my head
愛など満たない 性根はどうしようもないなら
Love and the likes are not enough, if my disposition can't be helped then
再会を誓う 嫌だ
Let's vow to reunite, I don't want to
Look at just me in this moment
恋をした 軽薄に染まれば
I've fallen in love, if I dye it in lightheartedness
Just blindly, earnestly walk
The occasional gestures made and
That gaze that pours out everything
So dark that our eyes won't be able to meet
瞬くように 酔った夢に生きたくて
In a blink of an eye, I want to live in an intoxicated dream
Pierce that darkness with a seemingly thunderous roar
Don't stop dancing to it
はっとした ただ暴君に染まれば
I realized, if you're dyed by a tyrant
Then that smile won't have any value
唾を吐き捨てるように 優しい言葉を解いて
As if you're about to spit it out, unravel the kind words
Joke around as if you've forgotten about everything tomorrow
With scars on your heart that remains pierced
僕らは逃げるように 踏みにじる想い
As if we're running away, these trampled feelings
Hide them
Seemingly dazzling individuals I cannot bear to look at
What kind of dream are you creating for yourself?
Something that won't make you keep biting your lips
Don't show your falling drops of tears
Don't show any weakness
The truth is that I wanted to say this
Even if you say it's just pretty words
蜃気楼に惑うの あなたは眩しいくらい
Captivated by this mirage, you are to the extent of being dazzling
Just like the beautiful future
恋をした 誰も知らない世界で
I fell in love, in a world that no one knows of
Going towards the story of that day I wished for

let it go (piano) 在 SLSMusic Youtube 的最讚貼文
Let me show you OVERCOOKED on piano, including Main Menu, Map, Restaurant, Kevin, and more!
↓↓↓ Sheet Music and More info down below ↓↓↓
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► https://youtu.be/-J1j1cKeEJo
I didn't do much of game soundtrack cover because I thought people might not be interested in it, but this one is so fun to play. Recently because of quarantine, my friends and I often play Overcooked 2 on Switch online, and things go crazy every time. It is such an unreasonable game LOL.
In this video, I picked main menu theme from both 1&2, the restaurant theme from 1, map theme from 2, and the Kevin's level from 2. In the last part, I decided to do a difficult improvisation with the original theme, refers to the 4 stars challenge haha. Hope you like it!
🎧Song List
0:00 Overcooked 1: Main Menu & Map
1:32 Overcooked 1: Restaurant
2:55 Overcooked 1: Restaurant (Speed Up!)
3:26 Overcooked 2: Map
4:28 Overcooked 2: Kevin Level
5:39 Overcooked 2: Kevin Level (Speed Up!)
6:28 Overcooked 2: Main Menu
8:46 Overcooked 1: Main Menu (Hard)
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GAME Music on Piano🎹
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●Piano / Roland RD-2000
●Speakers / ADAM A7X
●Audio Interface / Yamaha AG06
●Camera / Panasonic GH5
●Studio Desk / Wavebone HEADQUARTER
#Overcooked #Switch #Piano

let it go (piano) 在 Freeyon Chung 鍾君揚 Youtube 的最讚貼文
This is one of my favourite duets of all time and the lyrics (and the subtle things behind the song..etc) are very beautiful & meaningful. If you think of anyone while watching this video, I hope you can send it to them to let them know the impact they’ve had on your life.
I have liked For Good since the first time I heard the song and have always wanted to record a cover of it, but never quite found someone I thought would be the right person to sing this song with me. When I started cosplaying as Magnus and later came across the Edom scene in Shadowhunters, where the characters were potentially separating from each other forever, I knew this was it. Plus, there are other similarities between Glinda & Elphaba in Wicked and Alec & Magnus from Shadowhunters (feel free to comment to let me know what you come up with).
Doing a cover of this song while cosplaying characters from one of my favourite shows, I knew I had to go the extra mile. The amount of time and effort spent along with the things I had to learn, get and do to pull it off was kind of insane, but worth it at the same time (lost track of how many all-nighters were involved.
Without help from Ivan Wong, Robin Oh and Chris Jayden of KANTAN Media, this project would not have been possible. Thank you so much!!
Magnus/Alec: Freeyon Chung
Piano Accompaniment: Ivan Wong
Audio Engineer: Robin Oh
Producer-Editor: KANTAN Media (Chris Jayden)
Special Thanks: Cantius Lee
Director: Freeyon Chung
Hair: Freeyon Chung
Make Up: Freeyon Chung
Lighting: Freeyon Chung
Wardrobe: Freeyon Chung/Ivan Wong
Camera Operator: Freeyon Chung
I hope you will follow my journey as I continue to create more quality content to share with all of you! I already got a few ideas, so…just sit tight til my next creation haha
#ForGood #Shadowhunters #FreeyonMusic
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I've heard it said
That people come into our lives
For a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those
Who help us most to grow if we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes the sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So, let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have rewritten mine
By being my friend
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a sky bird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better
But because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed for good
And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done, you blame me for
But then I guess
We know there's blame to share
And none of it seems to matter anymore
Like a comet pulled from orbit (like a ship blown from its mooring)
As it passes the sun (by a wind off the sea)
Like a stream that meets a boulder (like a seed dropped by a bird)
Halfway through the wood (in the wood)
Who can say if I've been changed for the better
I do believe I have been changed for the better
And because I knew you
Because I knew you
Because I knew you
I have been changed
For good