【#香港研究推介】#社交媒體研究 近年大行其道,香港學者陳電鋸鋸陳 (Fuk Chan)和傅景華King-wa Fu可謂當中的先行者。他們最近在Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication發表期刊文章,探討 #網絡巴爾幹化 與 #民意兩極化 之關係。他們以 #佔領運動 為個案,將合共1,644個 #Facebook專頁 的分享網絡,和 #港大民研特首民望數據 進行比較,發現「網際網路巴爾幹化」與「民意兩極化」兩者存在一定關聯。這是全球首個同類研究,堪稱社交媒體研究的一大突破。
Social media studies has become increasingly popular in recent years. Hong Kong Scholars Chan Chung-hong and Fu King-wa are pioneers in this field and they have recently published a manuscript in Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication exploring the the relationship between cyberbalkanization and opinion polarization. Using the Occupy Central Movement as a case study, they compared the post-sharing network of 1,644 Facebook pages with the Chief Executive popularity ratings of HKUPOP. Their time-series analysis showed that there is a temporal association between cyberbalkanization and opinion polarization. This research is the first of its kind, representing an important breakthrough in social media studies.
▋全文 / Full article:http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcc4.12192/full
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