Sedikit catatan perkongsian.
Saya masih ingat lagi bagaimana saya bergelut dengan diri sendiri ketika mahu membuat keputusan yang besar dalam hidup saya, iaitu menyertai politik dan menyertai parti Bersatu.
Saya menyoal banyak perkara. Adakah saya sesuai menjadi seorang ahli politik? Adakah saya sanggup melondehkan jubah akademia saya dan turun bergulat di bawah menghadapi pelbagai tikam belakang, tawar-menawar, caci-maki dalam kerancuan dunia politik yang lebih menjanjikan kekhilafan berbanding kebenaran?
Apa yang menyebabkan saya didorong untuk menyertai politik dan Bersatu adalah suasana politik tanah air yang dilanda kemelut yang kronik waktu itu.
Tatkala dunia mengenali Malaysia kerana salah guna kuasa dan penyelewengan perbendaharaan negara oleh sesetengah individu, negara bagaikan memanggil-manggil warganya yang sedar untuk bersama merubah keadaan tersebut.
Sebagai warga akademia yang dididik untuk berdiri di atas fakta, idealisme dan kejituan moral, saya merasakan telah sampai waktunya untuk saya mula menterjemahkan segala teori dan idealisme yang sering dimuntahkan ke minda para penuntut lewat kuliah-kuliah ke dalam realiti.
Dilema yang menguliti jiwa menemui penawarnya apabila saya bertemu dengan Tun Dr Mahathir, dan seterusnya saya bertemu pula dengan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. Kedua-dua tokoh ini mempunyai tempat yang istimewa di dalam hati saya sehingga kini.
Saya merupakan moderator pertama forum Tun (yang bukan sebagai ahli UMNO lagi) di depan khalayak awam di Pasir Gudang Johor.
Setelah itu, saya sering diundang untuk menjadi moderator forum-forum Tun yang dianjurkan oleh pelbagai pihak sekitar 2016-2017. Bercakap depan-depan dengan Tun adalah momen yang paling saya tak boleh lupa. Saya masih ingat pesan Tun waktu itu,
“Kita kena selamatkan negara Malaysia dari kleptokrat. Dulu Malaysia dikenali dunia kerana kemajuannya dan kehebatannya, kini dikenali kerana rasuah.
Di samping itu kita sebagai orang Melayu wajib menyelamatkan survival orang Melayu. Apa akan jadi dengan masa depan orang Melayu jika budaya rasuah, salah guna kuasa dan politik wang ini menjadi normal tanpa ada langsung orang yang bersuara menentangnya?”
Jelas di wajah Tun yang di senja usia itu keresahan dan kegelisahan memikirkan nasib politik orang Melayu.
Selain itu, saya tak boleh lupa pesan Tan Sri ketika saya bertemu dengan beliau (lama dulu, sebelum PRU14). Saya juga merasa bersyukur kerana menjadi moderator pertama forum awam beliau di Johor Bahru sejurus beliau dibuang dari UMNO.
Setahun selepas peristiwa tersebut, saya telah mengambil keputusan untuk menyertai Bersatu, dan telah diberikan peluang untuk bertemu dengan Tan Sri. Antara kata-kata Tan Sri yang begitu terkesan di dalam jiwa saya;
“Kita perlukan wajah ahli politik baru untuk membentuk budaya politik yang baharu. Kita perlu wujudkan budaya baharu politik Bersatu.”
Kemudian saya cermati satu persatu tentang penubuhan Bersatu. Bersatu meletakkan batu asas yang sangat kukuh semasa ditubuhkan.
Selain menegakkan Islam, mempertahan kedudukan bumiputera dan bahasa, menjunjung demokrasi, Bersatu berikrar mahu ‘memerangi rasuah dan salah guna kuasa untuk mewujudkan amalan tadbir urus yang baik dan pemerintahan yang bersih, beramanah dan berintegriti.’
Rujuk di laman web Bersatu, Prinsip-prinsip Perjuangan Bersatu: https://www.pribumibersatu.org.my/prinsip.php
Maka berbondong-bondonglah orang menyertai Bersatu. Dari hujung Wang Kelian sampailah luar negara, orang meletakkan harapan yang tinggi kepada Bersatu sebagai ‘fresh start’ budaya politik yang baru.
Semua orang tahu dan sedar bagaimana kerosakan sistem yang telah berlaku sekian lama, skandal-skandal besar dan kes-kes pecah amanah yang luar biasa, segalanya perlahan-lahan terdedah.
Tidak usah pergi jauh, di dalam pendidikan sendiri lihatlah kes projek solar sekolah luar bandar Sarawak yang sudah mula dibicarakan. Perhatikanlah bagaimana pertelingkahan sesama sendiri berlaku oleh watak-watak yang mahu menyelamatkan diri dari didakwa.
Sayang sekali perbicaraan kes itu tidak dapat diselesaikan sebelum PH jatuh. Hari ini, watak yang terlibat secara langsung dengan projek tenaga solar tersebut mendapat jawatan sebagai pengerusi GLC (yang juga berkaitan dengan ‘tenaga’).
Sekiranya ada agamawan pernah berkata, lantiklah menteri-menteri kabinet yang bersih agar menjadi hujah yang kuat kepada kerajaan yang tertubuh,
sekarang bagaimana pula dengan perlantikan watak-watak begini dalam GLC-GLC? Adakah ada hujah agama lain yang perlu disandang pula untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan ini? Jika ada, saya teringin membacanya.
Benar. Bersatu adalah parti yang sangat muda. Tetapi penubuhan Bersatu sangat jelas tujuan dan asasnya. Tentu kita bukanlah parti yang sempurna, parti yang juga punyai kelemahan, tetapi sedikitpun kita tidak pernah tergelincir dari tujuan asal penubuhan parti keramat ini.
Dukung demokrasi, pertahan agama, perkukuh bangsa, dan yang paling penting, ikrar kita untuk terus lawan rasuah, lawan salah guna kuasa dan bina budaya tadbir urus yang baharu, yang berintegriti.
Sekarang, apa yang perlu kita jawab kepada diri kita sendiri apabila budaya ini kembali bermaharajalela di dalam negara kita, di depan mata kita?
Tidakkah terdetik rasa gelisah melihat watak-watak yang kita perangi tindakan mereka dahulu kini kembali mendominasi tanpa sedikitpun rasa malu dan bersalah?
Mereka inilah yang merupakan Raison d'etre (sebab kewujudan) Bersatu. Bersatu diwujudkan untuk menggantikan mereka, untuk memberikan alternatif kepada politik lama, politik korupsi kepada politik baru yang pernah diilhamkan nama sebagai budaya Bersatu.
Di atas niat murni ini jugalah saya menyertai Bersatu dan menceburkan diri ke dalam politik.
Saya perlu ucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli MPT Bersatu, Dato Dr Rais Husin yang telah Berjaya menyempurnakan penyertaan saya ke dalam parti yang saya cintai ini. Mac 2018 merupakan tarikh keramat dalam hidup saya apabila saya menyertai Bersatu secara rasmi.
Sejujurnya, saya masih kabur melihat arah tuju perjalanan parti ini dikala ini. Ketika kita (Bersatu) menjadi komponen penting dalam PH dahulu. Identiti kita jelas, orang Melayu berlindung di rumah Bersatu dalam PH sementara kaum lain boleh berlindung di rumah lain dan kita cuba hidup seadil yang mungkin (walaupun kadangkala kita tergigit lidah).
Pergeseran dalaman adalah lumrah politik, persoalannya ialah bagaimanakah kita menguruskan konflik dan perbezaan.
Apabila Bersatu dibawa keluar dan menyertai PN lewat hujung Februari yang lalu, saya mula bertanya, masih relevan lagikah identiti yang Bersatu bawa, iaitu untuk menjadi parti alternatif orang Melayu dan menggantikan UMNO? Masih terpakaikah lagi idealisme yang diperjuangkan selama ini?
Jika Bersatu akhirnya hanya mengikut arus yang sama, mula bercampur dengan mereka yang membawa budaya politik yang dulu kita berikrar untuk perangi, apologetik dan merasa tak bersalah pula bersama dengan mereka yang pernah kita kalahkan kerana kerakusan wang dan kuasa yang jelas berlaku di depan mata, di manakah lagi rasionalnya keperluan parti kita untuk orang Melayu?
Akhirnya, orang Melayu, anak muda, generasi masa depan yang mempunyai harapan untuk melihat budaya politik baharu, seakan kelam dan hilang.
Impian pengundi-pengundi yang pulang mengundi 9 Mei 2018 dengan tekad untuk membentuk Malaysia Baharu, gugur dan retak.
Apakah masih masa hadapan untuk parti keramat kita ini?
Hal ini semakin merunsingkan saya terutamanya apabila UMNO dan BN hanya menerima kerajaan PN sehingga menjelang PRU15 sahaja.
Majlis Tertinggi UMNO telah memutuskan bahawa mereka melalui Muafakat Nasional akan menggempur semua kerusi-kerusi yang dipertandingkan oleh Bersatu dan sekutu Bersatu di dalam PRU 15 nanti. Perikatan Nasional hanyalah hubungan sementara bagi UMNO.
UMNO yang sepatutnya digantikan kewujudan mereka dengan Bersatu di dalam hati orang-orang Melayu tanah air ini.
Di kala itu, sekiranya kita tidak melakukan apa-apa, soalan saya, di manakah kedudukan Bersatu?
Ke PH tidak, ke Muafakat Nasional pun tidak. Kita menjadi pihak ketiga yang paling marginal berhadapan dengan dua blok PH dan Muafakat Nasional pada PRU15 nanti.
Apakah nasib Bersatu pada waktu itu nanti?
Apakah masih ada masa hadapan buat parti keramat ini?
YB Dr Maszlee Malik
Ahli MPT Bersatu
13 Mei 2020
Just something to share.
I can still remember how I had struggled with myself when I made the major life decision of joining politics and joining the party Bersatu.
I questioned many things at that time. Was I fit to be a politician? Would I be able to take off my academic robe and instead roll around with backstabbing, bargaining, and insults in the political world which promises more deceit than truth?
What drove me to be involved in politics and Bersatu was the political atmosphere of the country that was plagued by the chronic turmoil of the time.
As the world knew Malaysia for the misuse of power and financial mismanagement by certain individuals, the nation seemed to be calling on its citizens to wake up and change the situation.
As an academic trained to stand on facts, idealism and moral fastidiousness, I felt that it was time for me to begin actualising all the theories and idealisms that were frequently conveyed to the minds of students through lectures.
My soul-searching dilemma found its antidote when I met Tun Dr Mahathir, and then I met Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin next. Both figures continue to hold a special place in my heart to this day.
I happened to be the first moderator of Tun’s forum (who was no longer a UMNO member then) attended by the people in Pasir Gudang Johor.
After that, I was often invited to be the moderator of Tun’s forums organised by various parties circa 2016-2017. Holding a face-to-face conversation with Tun was truly a moment that I will never forget. I still remember Tun's sage words at that time,
“We have to save Malaysia from the kleptocrats. Malaysia used to be known for its progress and its glory, now only known for its corruption.
Besides, as Malays we must ensure the survival of the Malays. What will be the future of the Malays if the culture of corruption, abuse of power and money politics becomes the norm without anyone speaking out against it?"
It was clear that Tun, in the twilight of age, was fraught with worry and anxiety thinking about the political fate of the Malays.
Also, I could not forget Tan Sri's words when I met him (long ago, even before the 14th General Election). I was also the first moderator of his public forum in Johor Bahru immediately after his removal from UMNO.
A year after the event, I decided to join Bersatu, and was given the opportunity to meet Tan Sri. Among Tan Sri’s remarks that left a deep impact on me;
“We need new faces to shape a new political culture. We need to create a new culture of Bersatu politics.”
I scrutinised the establishment of Bersatu, bit by bit. Bersatu had a very solid foundation when it was set up.
In addition to upholding Islam, upholding the position of bumiputera and language, upholding democracy, Bersatu pledges to 'fight corruption and abuse of power to create good governance and a clean, trustworthy and integrity-based government.'
You may refer to Bersatu website for the party’s principles: https://www.pribumibersatu.org.my/prinsip.php
From then on, a substantial number of people had joined Bersatu. From Wang Kelian to abroad, the people placed their high hopes on Bersatu as the 'fresh start' to a new political culture.
Everyone was aware how damaging the system had been for so long, the major scandals and the outrageous cases of breach of trust, all slowly unfolding.
No need to go too far for examples. Within education itself, you can see the case of the Sarawak rural school solar energy project that is already on trial. Just observe how the persons in question are quarrelling with one another simply to save themselves from prosecution.
It is truly unfortunate that the trial could not be completed before PH fell. Today, the person who was directly involved in the solar energy project is getting the chairmanship of a GLC (which is also related to 'energy').
If a religious figure had once said, appoint clean cabinet ministers to be the strength of the established government,
now what about the appointment of these characters in GLCs? Is there another religious argument that will be brought forth to justify this action? If indeed there is, I'd love to read about it.
True. Bersatu is a very young party. But the establishment of Bersatu was very clear in its purpose and basis. Of course we are not a perfect party, we are a party that has weaknesses, but at least we have never slipped from the original purpose of this party’s establishment.
To uphold democracy, to defend religion, to strengthen the nation, and most importantly, our commitment to continue our fight against corruption, abuse of power, and the building of a new culture of governance, with integrity.
Now, how do we answer ourselves when the same culture is back in our country, before our very eyes?
Do we not feel anxious seeing the persons whose actions we had fought against in the past are now dominating the scene once again without any shame and guilt?
They are the raison d’etre Bersatu was formed. Bersatu was established to replace them, to provide an alternative to the old, corrupt politics, bringing about the new politics that was once envisaged as the Bersatu culture.
It was for this higher purpose that I had joined Bersatu and entered politics.
I would like to thank the Bersatu MPT, Dato Dr Rais Husin who had successfully finalised my registration as a member in this beloved party. March 2018 was the blessed day of my life when I officially joined Bersatu.
To be honest, at this juncture the direction of the party is still a blur to me. When we (Bersatu) were an important component of PH previously, our identity was clear, the Malays could take refuge in the home of Bersatu within PH while other ethnicities could take refuge in other homes and we tried to live together as fairly as possible (although sometimes we did bite our tongues).
Internal disputes are a norm in politics, the question is how do we handle conflicts and differences.
When Bersatu was taken out and had joined PN at the end of February, I started asking, is the identity that Bersatu carries still relevant, that is to become an alternative party for the Malays to replace UMNO? Is the idealism that we fought for still applicable?
If Bersatu eventually follows the same trend, begins to mix with those who bear the political culture we had once vowed to fight, becomes apologetic and guiltless to be with those we had defeated in the past simply because of greed for money and power clearly happening before our own eyes, then where is the rationale of the need for our party for the Malays?
In the end, the Malays, the youth, the future generation who had hopes to see a new political culture, seem to be in the dark and lost.
The dream of the voters who returned to vote on May 9, 2018 with the determination to build Malaysia Baharu, collapses and crashes.
Is there still a future for our beloved party?
I find it especially disturbing to know that UMNO and the BN have accepted the PN government only until the GE15.
The UMNO Supreme Council has decided that they, through Muafakat Nasional, will assail all the seats contested by Bersatu and allies of Bersatu in the coming GE15. Perikatan Nasional is only a temporary relationship for UMNO.
This is the same Umno whose existence in the hearts of Malays in this country should have been replaced by Bersatu.
So, if we do nothing, then my question is, where will Bersatu stand?
With PH we are not, with Muafakat Nasional we are not either. We will be the third most marginalised party to face the two blocks of PH and Muafakat Nasional in the GE15.
When that time comes, what would the fate of Bersatu be?
Is there any future for this party?
YB Dr Maszlee Malik
MPT member, Bersatu
13 May 2020
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A little impromptu neighborhood unChristmas Christmas party ❤️
As you celebrate this season, I hope you truly gather, eat, drink, and be merry. As mamas, we are the host, the organizer, the planner, the worriers and I really wanted to just be able to relax and enjoy our time together.
Some top #kacaumamahack (s) for having a good stress-free time:
1. Lay/set up everything the night before.
When you can put on some music, light some candles, take your time and just enjoy the process of it. It’s one of my favorite parts of having a party : mixing and matching, imagining, dreaming. It’s the theater girl in me, I love the journey. Instead of freaking out and throwing stuff together the day of the party, I can just take my time and the best part is, I had meetings the whole day with only about 30 mins of when I got home to when guests would arrive and it was so simple because I already knew where everything went, where, and just had to put it out. I cut, washed, prepped all the fruits and veggie sticks the night before too.
2. Take shortcuts!
A little plating will take you a long way. I literally bought all the snacks and desserts from Marks and Spencer 🙌🙌🙌 and just took it out of the packages and served it on boards and platters! 😂
The lovely cheese board kit came from the always amazing KEJU and Wishful.my which also included the prettiest little drink jar that I repurposed as decor instead!
For mains, I ordered the most delicious vegetarian mac and cheese (sooooo good!!!), chicken mac and cheese, as well as some really yummy roast chicken sets (includes veggies!) from Dignity for Children Foundation - an organization that supports continuous education for the underprivileged and refugee communities as well as providing them jobs and skills. It really was so very good and Ella Grace’s face lit up completely when she realized it was her favorite chicken w her favorite sauce from her favorite cafe! (Eat x Dignity!)
3. Cleaners day before and after
Book the cleaners to come the day before so you don’t have to worry about cleaning and having everything spic and span for the guests as well as the day after so you’re not stressing about sticky floors, a million dishes, and cleaning up!
4. Minimal clean-up
Not the most zero waste option but we also opted for disposable plates and cutlery. We tried to go a little greener w biodegradable products made from palm leaves. The best option would be to use real plates and cutlery but I will be very honest, mama was tired.
Last but not least, enjoy yourself. When the guests come, walk away from the table. Get everyone a drink then sit down and hang out. Listen to their stories, be present. Enjoy your time together. Open up the table and let the kids destroy the house and have fun. It’s their party too.
If anything breaks, it’s replaceable. If kids have a tantrum, they have a voice too. Show your tribe the shit room you’ve stuffed all the mess into, wear something comfortable, sit and eat and break bread together.
That’s the heart of gathering with your tribe. The highlight REAL. The loving. The seeing.
We love you mama, enjoy this season. ❤️
Ps. Tomorrow, I’ll share all my secrets on prepping your child for the party so everyone has a good time..littles included!
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Day19 : MAC - Nouvelle Vogue .
Utk #30hari30gincu hari ni something light yet sweet yet hidup.. Gituhhhh.. Since my trainer Nana AlHaleq bercuti sebulan, maka saya akan training sendiri n seperti biasa ke gym utk wanita kat @curvesmalaysia.. Tak sabar nak work out.. N yes pepagi dah makan awal n nak share ngan korang as for now im taking clean food.. More protein utk build muscle n tone n of coz 6pack yg mmg saya aiming for! Thats my goal n vontot yg padu.. Hahhahaha.. So kena disiplin kan.. This is a new me.. Saya kurang utk ber fitness dulu.. Bukan apa sbb most of d time saya malas plus saya suka makan semua yg sinful.. Tapi, satu hari saya bgn tido, saya kata saya nak 6pack.. Kira cabar diri, boleh dpt x.. Dlm 2-3 bulan.. So saya buat.. Train kat gym, kat umah, masa mandi.. Haa kau.. N now, perkara yg paling saya tak reti, EAT CLEAN! Hahahahaha.. Kakak kau ni kan hantu nasik lemak.. Tapi Nana AlHaleq ckp ri tu xde masalah saya nak makan sbb amount of fat saya sgt low.. But hey, kalau nak cepat kena lah control kn? Hehehehe.. All good.. Kalau dulu mmg tak lah saya ikut MRB gi panjat bukit, now? Dah 2 kali and im enjoying it.. .
Saya tak kata saya xjaga sebelum ni, tapi saya rasa xde pape masalah (kecuali susah nau nak tambah berat.. Ntah kenapa xtau.. Metabolic rate very high juga..) but im ok sbb no major prob kan? But bila dah termengidam 6pack, dan ia perlukan pengorbanan, saya cabar diri saya.. Ok tu je.. Apesal panjang nau.. Xkena gambar la hoiii.. Hahahahahaha.. #nanadangincu #nanajendela
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Thankyou so much for watching and love you all~~ xoxo
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SnapChat: @hiddietse
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Products Used:
DHC Lip Cream
*Drunk Elephanf Lippie Balm
*Benefit Precisely My Brow
Hourglass Micro Sculpting Brow Pencil
Love Liner Liquid Eyeliner
*NYX Love Lust Disco Ink Liner
*Charlotte Tilbury Feline Flick
Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner
*Tom Ford Eye Defining Pen
*MAC Brushstroke Liquid Eyeliner
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Liner
*Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner Calligraphy Brush
Kate Mascara Base
Majolica Majorca Mascara Base
*Maybelline Push Up Angel Mascara
DUP Eyelashes Clue
*Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Finish Powder
*Simple Kind To Skin Micellar Water
Bifesta Moist Cleansing Lotion
*Embryolisse Lotion Micellarier
Bifesta Eye Makeup Remover
*MTM Eye Makeup Remover
Fancl Cleansing Gel
IsClincal Cleansing Complex
*Drunk Elephant Jelly Cleanser
Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Toner
Kiehl's Calendula Herbal Extract Toner
*Chantecaille Rose Water
*MAC Fix Plus
*Omorovica Queen Of Hungary Mist
*Estée Lauder Advance Night Repair
*Omorovica Reviving Eye Cream http://tidd.ly/95c88a54
Ole Henriksen Sheer Transformation Perfecting Moisturizer
Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream
*Elemis Pro Collagen Overnight Matrix
Curel Intensive Moisture Cream
Curel Intensive Moisture Lotion
*Omorovica Rejuvenating Night Cream
*Lavelier Marine Evening Repair Cream
*Factiv C3P1 Cream
Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Oil Spot Stick http://tidd.ly/cd31deea
Unicharm Cotton Pad
Unicharm Cotton Pad
*Pure C Intensive Aqua Boost Mask
Dr.Wu Ultimate Hydrating Mask With Hydronic Acid
Miche Bloomin No.05 Girly Wink
*Olens Secriss 1 Day - Coral Gray
*Olens 1 Day - Russian Silver
*Aveda Cherry Almond Softening Shampoo
Charles Worthington Toning Ultra Violet Shampoo
*Drunk Elephant Cocomino Glossing Shampoo
Every Annadonna Gray Color Treatment
Batiste Dry Shampoo - Foral & Flirty Blush
Soap & Glory Clean Girl Body Wash
*Ritual Foaming Shower Gel
*Lush Shower Gel - Twilight
*Lush Shower Gel - Nana
*Lush Shower Gel - Berry Berry Christmas
*Lush Shower Jelly - Santa's Belly
*Molton Brown Bath & Shower Gel - Fiery Pink Pepper
*ESPA Bergamot and Jasmine Bath and Shower Gel https://tidd.ly/2EUg6Kg
Aesop Resurrection Aromatique Hand Wash - Rosemary Leaf
*YOPE Shower Gel Rose & Boswellia
MAC Brush Cleanser
Bobbi Brown Brush Cleaning Spray
Detergent 專用洗劑
This is not a sponsored video.
(*sent or gifted by PR)
#makeup #化妝 #香港 #hongkong

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Clean My macOS uses a simple plugin system with all "cleaners" located in ~/.cleanmymac/cleaners directory. Functionality can be added (or removed) by ... ... <看更多>
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